Ginger lemon 85 g/Pkg Naturally flavored green tea blend

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  • 59
  • 9120082472227
  • 11402
  • 1020
Spicy ginger and tangy lemon form a refreshing combination here. It is no wonder that the... more
Spicy ginger and tangy lemon form a refreshing combination here. It is no wonder that the refined green tea blend promises hot and cold tasty experiences. Enjoy this stimulating tea creation sip by sip and look forward to a taste experience of a special kind. Tip: Ginger Lemon also tastes great chilled as iced tea.
Naturally flavored green tea blend
- refreshing - stimulating -
Ingredients: Sencha green tea (53%), ginger (20%), lemongrass, eucalyptus leaves, lemon verbena, lemon peel, natural aroma
Store dry and out of heat.
Product language GERMAN
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